World War 3
One Friday in 1989, it was war day and the gunfire reminded me of the time my brother and I were shooting cans on our back fence, how I wished I was back with him. I got on a boat. The boat ride was cool but when I got off I was shaking with fear. I could see men with guns and hear gunshots and shouting. I felt proud, nervous, and sad because I thought I wasn't going to see my family again. My tummy was turning from the boat ride.
It was so smokey and scary. I saw smoke, dust, paper, glass, T.V, hats, people screaming, people dying. I was so frightened, nervous and worried that I was there.
I smelt smoke and like food burning. It was so stinky, I couldn't unblock my nose.
I feet big and strong and proud that I was brave enough to be there.
I heard gunshots and people screaming, T.V glitching. I tasted dirt and smoke. Soldiers that smelt like rotten eggs.
Here is the link if you like to see it