
Friday, March 22, 2019

Aim: To design and build a Mars Rover using  Lego Technics.

Learning Outcomes:
  • Students will learn about the different parts of the Rover 'Curiosity' and what they are used for.
  • Students will design and draw a Mars rover.
  • Students will write a about the 5 main instruments and how they are used.
  • Students will build a Rover suitable for the Mars terrain
  • Students will share their model with the group.

they move the mar
It is a cutter
The rover has several cameras focused on engineering and science tasks. Some help us land on Mars, while others serve as our “eyes” on the surface to drive around.

1. Draw a design of your mars rover that includes the parts above. Clearly label each part.

The drawing must be neat, clearly labelled, and coloured.
Upload a picture of your drawing onto your blog.
2. Make a Mars Rover that has the following:
  1. 6 wheels
  2. 1 camera
  3. 1 shovel, rock pick, at the front
  4. 1 solar panel
  5. 1 laser that points at the ground
Upload a photo of your mars rover onto your blog.

Research links:

Monday, March 18, 2019

my reading work week 8 18th of march 2018

Why is the sun important for life on earth ?
  1. So we can have food.
  2. So the people can have lights.
  3. So we can stay worm.
  4. So we grow planes to stay alive.
  5. The sun move around and spins

How long does it take for one rotation of the earth ?
It takes 24 hour for the earth to rotate

My question
How did this world get made and why did it get made?

Day And Night Poem.
Day can be a resource of light because the sun .
A boy called avity drew discovered how to make a sun .
Years and years word has had day and night .

How thing has changed.
The world is get hotter and the earth is moving slower than it was 100 year ago.
Not that much sunny days in summer.
A Lot more cloud day then sunny.

Friday, March 15, 2019


EG: Swamp weed
Food for fish and birds
Home for fish and birds
Cleans the water
Their stems are often used to
weave strong mats, baskets, and
chair seats.Bulrushes may act as a filter,
absorbing poisonous metals and toxic
microorganisms, thus helping to reduce
water pollution. In Britain, the term bulrush
refers to either of two cattails (Typha latifolia
and T. angustifolia).
They also used Harakeke as a medicinal
plant to treat boils, burns, as an antiseptic
for cuts and internally for diarrhoea. In early
European days in New Zealand, the strong
leaf fibre of the Harakeke Flax was used to
produce rope and linen. To make home.

The pollen, called pungapunga was
collected and made into bread called pua.
The root was also eaten. Raupo was also
used in poi-making, according to
Zimmerman in 1946: The poi is an egg-
shaped thing, made of the pith from a swamp
plant covered with a woven cover of raupo,
somewhat like the leaves of the cattail.

the free encyclopedia.
"Toitoi is an expression used in the
performing arts to wish an artist
success in an imminent performance.
It is similar to "break a leg" and reflects a
superstition that wishing someone
"good luck" is in fact bad luck

What ducks eat
Beard, seeds, planes and corn
Some large frogs will even eat
small snakes, mice, baby turtles,
and even other smaller frogs!
What Butterfly eat flower but also
eat tree sap, dung, pollen, or rotting fruit.
Grey Heron
What Grey Heron eat they eat big
fish and smell fish
lying insects, particularl
y midges and mosquitoes
. They also will take butterflies, moths
and smaller dragonflies. The larvae,
which live in water, eat almost any
living thing smaller than themselves.
Larger dragonfly larvae sometimes eat
small fish or fry.
What fish eat they eat smell
fish and fish food.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Thursday the 14th of March My group and I made a clay mashin and I am a posh ion maker and my group are witch

Monday, March 11, 2019

A bit about myself

A bit about myself 
I have four sister 
i like Gum, Sports, St John and Watching Youtube 
on my chromebook at home and at school I like playing with my friends and help the school with thing like library assistant and community impact project.
 Image result for library assistant
community impact project means that we go around the school and clean up 

my clay stop motion

Monday the 11th of march my group has
been blilding clay thing for a stop motion. 

What is it about :
A position maker giving a position to two witches and the witch died and I jump on it. 

The hardest part 
making the clay people.

the least hardest part 
taking the picture 

i really enjoy doing this because I like taking the picture and making the clay people they where hard.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Today were making crystals

Aim: To learn about a saturated solution and how to make
crystals Definition of  solution :
A liquid mixture, when something is dis.
borax crystals
1.½ cup hot water
2. 7 borax
3.pipe cleaners
4. peg

1.twisted pipe cleaners to form a star short pipe cleaners 3.
2. cup of warm water  .
3. put 4 tablespoon to the water.
4.stir until dissolved.
5. peg the pipe

sugar crystals

Materials water
2. sugar
3.pipe cleaners
4. peg

steps short pipe cleaners
2.cup of worm water
3.put 8 tablespoons of sugar
4.stir until dissolved
5.peg the pip

2.worm water

1.cup of worm water
2.salt 5 tablespoona
4.hang up your pipe cleaner with a peg