
Thursday, August 29, 2019


Bas family  
They are sometimes called labrosones.
Not all instruments are made out of brass.
Maybe marching bands use a special tuba called a sousaphone. 
String family 
The string family is the largest family of instruments.
They came in four sizes.
The violin is the smallest in the string family.
The cello is the biggest in the string family.

Buddy Holly / Charles Holley

Buddy Holly 
he really name is Charles Holley
Buddy Holly died in 1959 on the 3rd of February age 22.
He was born in 1936.
He plays rock music.
The fav songs are rave on and maybe baby.

He was not good at the Violin when he was a child.Image result for pictures of Buddy Holly

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

CIP 2019

AIM: To make our environment better and clean the rubbish.

Hi readers, today we cleaned up our compost at school. We picked up rubbish and we used shovels and forks. We used the forks and shovels to flip the dirt over so we can grab the rubbish underneath.

We got a commitment card if we picked up 30 pieces of rubbish every 30 we picked up. We got a commitment card. Makenzie goes 20 commitment cards and Mattisin got  9.

I like when we are helping the people and the earth so we can stay alive longer with no rubbish flying everywhere.

This is what it looked like before. This is what is looks like after

Thursday, August 8, 2019

sci 2019

Aim: To look at the causes of climate change and how to prevent it.

As you watch the video answer these questions:

What is our greatest threat in thousands of years?

How do we see climate change affecting the globe?
  1.   Cars and trucks because gas is typing the hot air down on earth
  2. Sustain the runs.
  3.  The earth turns into mars 
  4.   People have bomb fire and fire 
Coal is a type of fuel like oil. There are four different types of the four types are Anthracite. Bituminous, Sub Bituminous and Lignite. People and plants are losing lives because the coal and oil. Coal contains sulfur and other elements it is really bad for you because you can stop or your lungs can have bad air in them you could lose your life. Over 90,000 people in the United States have jobs that uses coal people do not like coal because they are worried about what will happen in 100 years time to their grandkids this is where you can find coal but I don't think you should use coal it is really really bad for the earth and the people that live in the world. Here is all the places in the New United States Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Texas. 

Write a paragraph and upload an image about each of these renewable energies.

Solar mean the earth is warming up from the sun and when it does the gas keep it down on the ground we use it to warm up pools and we use it to warm house solar is really good to uses

Wind makes power and electricity so we can have electricity.

Waves can help so we can drink and it helps as have electricity so we can help the earth and help with the gas problem. 


sci 2019

Aim: To compare the amount of gas that is produced from different types of biomass.

  •  3 bottles. 
  • Permanent marker.
  • Disposable gloves.
  • Cups.
  • Fresh horse manure.
  • Mashed banana.
  • Funnel.
  • Water.
  • Balloon.
  • Vegetable peelings.

  • Get a bottle.
  • Get a permanent marker and draw a line on the bottle for the water.
  • Get manure.
  • Get banana.
  • Get vegetables.
  • Put manure in the bottle.
  • Put a banana in a bottle if you are putting bananas in the bottle.

Monday, August 5, 2019

sci 2019

Solar Energy
Catching the sun movie


  • Cups small. (x4)
  • Water.
  • Tinfoil.
  • 1 sheet of black paper.
  • 2 sheet oh white paper.
  • Thermometer.
  • 1 large cup.
  • 1 heat lamp.


  • Get all the materials.
  • Lay things out.
  • Put water in the little cups.
  • Put the big cup on a smaller cup that has water in the cup.
  • Then put the cups on two 2 different white pieces of paper (1has a big plastic cup on the small cup.) Put 1 on a piece of a black piece of paper. And the last one on a piece of tinfoil.
  • Use the sun or a heat lamp on the cups with the water in them.
  • When you have done that use the thermometer and get the temperature of the
  • Water.

Which surface conducts/attracts the most heat?
Time +
Cup 1
White paper
Cup 2
White paper+ plastic.
Cup 3
Black paper
Cup 4
40 minutes
55 minutes
70  minutes


When you leave them for 40 min the water of the white paper was at 15 and it went up to 17 then 15 min later it went to 18. The white paper and cup on top was at 13 and went up to 16 then 15 min later it was 17. The black paper was at 12 and went up to 24 then it is at 23. The tinfoil was 13 and went up to 22 then it was at 22.