
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

ending of a store

¨We all should go for a swim next week that will be fun but at the pools¨said Ebby. ¨Yes that will be a great idea¨ everyone said. They ended the day with some game.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Copy and Paste this template to your blog. Fill in the rest of the sentence about what you did in the holidays/lockdown. Try to think of a different activity for each prompt. 
During the Holidays I liked doing the family quiz night on Zoom.

During the Holidays I found one of my old drum sticks when I was moving rooms.

During the Holidays I decided to eat all my sister food that she made for her 
schooling after she showed her teacher.

During the Holidays I disliked being stuck in the house.

During the Holidays I helped clean the house for the house inspection we have after the lock down.

During the Holidays I felt happy that I can have a break from 6 hours of school to 3 hours of school.

During the Holidays I saw the outside world when I go for walks.

During the Holidays I needed something to do to get off my phone and that because I am get really bored 

During the Holidays I made a tiktok cam set up so I can do tiktoks. My dad came up with the idea. 

During the Holidays I stayed with my mom and dad because my mom is in my bubble.

During the holidays I played card games with my sister and my family. We played UNO, Kings and A, skip boo and more.

During the Holidays I soughted out my box of baby things.

During the Holidays I thought I was a chef

During the Holidays I fought zoom because it didn't work the first time then I tried again, it took 10 tries.

During the Holidays I caught my phone because I dropped it. 

During the Holidays I bought a face mask.

During the Holidays I loved having Zoom quizzes with the fam

During the Holidays I hated staying home.

During the Holidays I dreamt of flying.

During the Holidays I remembered nothing.

During the Holidays I spoke with the fam.

During the Holidays I set up the dinner table all the time 

During the Holidays I bet inaka at dance.

During the Holidays I ate cookie chocolate chip ice cream.

During the Holidays I drank cola.

During the Holidays I visited my mom, my grandfather and my grandmother 

During the Holidays I watched youtube.

During the Holidays I stopped tiktok moves I just watch tiktoks

During the Holidays I planned nothing.

During the Holidays I took an hour walk.

During the Holidays I imagined that I could go hangout with people.