For the last few weeks my class has been doing gymnastics and I have
learnt how to do heaps like, how to keep myself in a handstand and
handstand for ten seconds. I have enjoyed doing this because I did
gymnastics for 3 to 4 and a half years. On the 28th of october we did
rope climbing and i didnt get up to the top because I am not the
strongest engine. Here is what I could do.
Gymnastics Peer Assessment
Rater’s Name: Mattisin Class: ALR Date: 28/10/2021
SKILLS (Tick the skills which you can now safely perform)
Kia ora Mattisin. You have proven to be a great gymnast and achieved so many skills throughout this unit. It's awesome that you attempted to climb the rope, showing that you are keen to challenge yourself. Keep up the good mahi. Mrs Hastie