
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

My Writing

There is a rocky mountain that makes the bright blue sky on top of the mountain. Blue sky with a bit of white a lot of grey rock on the mountain no cloud and plane in the sky. Some perfect white bout sun shining off them. I am standing on the hill and I see shine water with a lot of white little shiny bouts.

I have two cats named Nici and Hayley and dog named Abby. Abby didn't mind being the only dog. I liked to go walk with my animals on the mountain. I lived in a house in the mountain and I heard something on the mountain. 

The next day she went for a walk to see what the nose was. She could not find the nose on the mountain. Abby Nici and Hayley could not find the nose.  We are wondering what it is.  

Thursday night I put my phone outside. The next day I went to check the video but the phone went flat. Nici was a good cat and she put it on charge but the phone was broken. I hope that I can fix my phone. 

Week 1

Rules we should have for cyber smart.
Rule 1:Tell your caregiver the passwords.

Rule 2 Makes sure your caregiver now you have the app on your phone, IPad, iPod, Chromebook, and computes. 

Rule 3 If you don't know them don't talk to them.

Rule 4 Doesn't put your last name because people can find where you live.

Rule 5 Take pictures with people family and friends 

Rule 6 No taking pictures in your room and bathroom.

Please keep yourself cyber safe.

Week 1

It is as tall as a person 
It is as small as a bull 
It is beautiful as a dog
want is my animal...

Monday, December 2, 2019

W1 Pepeha

Ko Mattisin toku ingoa  
Ko Hornby ahou 
Ko Hornby High toku kura 
Tena Koutou Tena Koutou Tena Koutou Katoa 

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Place I what to go to

I want to go to Australia  again so I can put my feet into the golden sand. I like there parks If you have been to Australia what was your favourite part and why? I really like the beach and the golden sand the parks and the house. They make really good sushi . It take two to three hour to get from Nez Zealand to Australia. There is fire there now but I will still go. I really what to go see my family. The theme parks are really fun. I really like there yummy food and I really what to see sharks. 

Monday, October 21, 2019

my learning story

Title:                     Instrumental Industries
Name: Mattisin 
Teachers: Mrs Hastie & Mrs Allan-Fletcher
Date: 21/10/2019 
Year 8 Graduate Profile
Highlight the parts of the Profile you are now doing on a regular basis
In your reflection think about how you displayed the CARR values
and what curriculum skills you learnt. 
People Smart
  • I listen to understand people’s ideas and opinions
  • I can work successfully with others
  • I understand how my feelings and actions can affect others
  • I act responsibly even when no one is watching
  • I can give useful feedback to others
  • I take responsibility for my own actions
  • I am an outstander – I choose to help others who are having a difficult time 
Active Learner
  • I am a curious learner – I ask questions
  • I use feedback to improve my learning
  • I have a growth mindset
  • I know what my next steps are
  • I share my ideas and point of view with different people
Learning Smart
  • I am organised and have everything that is needed for my learning
  • I complete my work in the time I’m given
  • I am punctual by being in the right place at the right time
  • I manage my emotions when I am frustrated or challenged
  • I ask for help when I don’t understand what to do
Thinking Smart
  • I can reflect on my learning
  • I understand others’ opinions and ideas
  • I can think critically
  • I can think creatively 
Cyber Smart
  • I use the internet and devices in a safe way
  • I can be trusted to use my device for the task I am meant to be doing
  • I can use digital tools creatively
  • I can use digital tools for different purposes
What we did:
  • We made songs
  • Had musicians 
  • Went to the music suite 
  • Researched NZ artists 
  • Picking music 
  • Stomp 
  • Instrument quiz 
  • Blog posts 
  • I gave feedback to people so they could make it a bit better and people gave feedback to me. 
What I learned:
  • I learn how to make a song and make stomp. 
  • How to make a song you write some words and make lyrics and then get a beat and sing it.
  • Stomp you have to get a bet then you get something and copy the beat.
What I enjoyed:
  • I enjoyed doing some of my blog post and sometimes I need help but sometimes I did not need help. The blog post were about what we did and what we could do better. 
  • I completed the work in the time I have been given I like getting m work done in the time I have been given and I like the bogging so I will get it done.
What I found difficult:
  • I found asking people for help really difficult because I dislike talking about work. I find helping people with work that has been set. I like working by myself not with a group. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

all about me

こんにちは Kon'nichiwa, My name is Mattisin.
I am doing this blog post of want I like and what I do and what I like hope you learn something.

1.  I like to bake and eat foood the thing I really like is chocolate, ice cream, ice craem cake, and lollies. 
Image result for ice cream

2. I like to dance and do gymnastics I did gymnastics of three years and I dance with Miss Bircth for a term. We did it for one of a passion. 
Image result for gymnastics

3. I love to make things with paper and love doing art so I draw the for my teacher Miss Allan I draw rainbows, fish, and dogs.
Image result for paper

4. Here is a really personal thing about me I got nystugmus that is when my eye move and I can still see straight.
Image result for nystagmus

Tinkercad and plant picking

On Wednesday people in C.I.P were using Tinkercad and I made a dream house. We got to pick out of 8 tasks. I picked the dream house task so I could get to see how Tinkercad is. 

here is my picture in the normal mode.

here is my picture in the logo mode.

here is my picture in the pixel mode.

I really like the app and it is really fun so go check it out. When I was doing it I got asked if I want to go help pick plants so I did. Abby, Rachel, Shontelle, Addyson and I went to go get plants. We picked broccoli, cabbage, silverbeet, cauliflower, and salary.

Monday, September 23, 2019


On Tuesday we went to the music room. We had to do a scavenger hunt and find the interment. Here is Hope playing the keyboard. she was playing Havana. she looks like she is having fun 

song 2019

This is the song that I made about a condition

I have a condition 
It is called nystagmus 
People don't care 
They just make fun of me
They just make fun of me
I can not handle it 
I just want
Just want to kill them 
I just want to kill them 
People support me some people don't 
People think it is a joke 
They think I am weak
But I am sometimes weak and I am sometimes not 

my poem

mother nature

Fly fast 
Black sky 
White star burn bright 
Float fast
Light sunshine 
Beautiful mountain 
Ice blue river 
Crusty snowfall 

Water puddles run 

we had to make a poem out of 25 words. Hannah and I made this poem.
Image result for a bird flying in the sky