
Tuesday, December 7, 2021


 Today (Tuesday the 7) my class made truffles and they were really good. They were soft because we didn't have any time to really cool  them. They taste like coconut and chocolates. I really enjoyed them and we made the thing we were making in class right this time. 

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Three Little Pig

 For the last three weeks we have been writing fairy tales in our own words and I rewrotie the three little pigs. I made my story in top a play. Here is my play

Charlotte/Mother… It is time to move out

All 3 Pigs… Why Mother why

Charlotte/Mother… Because you need to defend yourself

Bella/2pig… Goodbye mother 

Bell/1pig… See you later mother 

Chloe/3pig… Bye… I will miss you

Charlotte/Mother… See you later my little piggys 

They all walked away and they went to find a place to live and make their houses. 

Chloe/3pig… I am going to make a house from sticks. So I can have more time to play 

Bella/2pig… I am going to make my house from wood so I can have a little time to play

and my house is not going to get pushed down.

Bell/1pig… I am going to make my house out of bricks so my house is going to be safe

Pig 3,,2… WHY? We want to play with you

Bell/1pig… I am going to play after I make my house. Because I don't want to die

They finished making their houses and it was almost night time. All the pigs

went to bed and woke up the next morning. 

Bella/2pig… Good morning Bell and Chloe. How are you 

Pig 1.3 I am good thank you

They went to do their own thing and Chloe/3pig went home and heard the wolf

say that he was hungry so he was going to go find pigs. Chloe/3pig ran to go tell

her sister then they went to the brick house. 

Ricky/Wolf… Little pig little pig let me in

There was no response so he blew the house down. he went to the next house


Ricky/Wolf… Little pig little pig let me in

There was no response again, so he blew the house down. So he went to the

brick house Bell/1pigs

Ricky/Wolf… little pig little pig let me in

Pig 1.2.3… NO NOT AT ALL. 

The wolf left for the night and the pigs went back to their mother house because

hey were scared. The mother let them back in and they all lived happily ever after. 

Colour Run

 On Friday the 25th of November the year 7 to 10s did a fun run to raise money for Kids Can. We did it on the school field because across the road is getting made into a swimming pool.

What we did was run around the field once then run around another time then we went to the bouncy castle, we got dye colour thorne on us. We had to jump over hurdles and go through tyres. I had so much fun with my friends. Before we started the fun run we got into group year 7/8 girl, year 7/8 boys, year 9/10 girls and last year 9/10 boys.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021


 2 weeks ago I made self serving pudding. I loved the flavour of them. It had lots of chocolate flavour. We had some ice cream with them on top. My group worked well with everything. I got asked to do lots of things for my team but we all got through it.  My group was really fun. I made it at home the same night. After I had that two times in the day I felt sick. I was really good 

Friday, November 19, 2021

For the last week in our fariytales we have been writing a story and here is mine. 

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Cinderella. She had beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes. Her mother passed away when she was six years old. She has been living with her loving step sisters and her step mother. Bella, one of her step sisters got really jealous so the step mother Patrice saw that Bella was getting jealous. Both step sisters Bella and Chloe went to tell their mother Patrice to make Cinderarella their personal made. Cinderella didn't want to do anything for anyone so she got locked in her kitchen until she did work for the mother and sisters. 

Two days passed really fast and she thought if she did something for her sisters and mother she could go to the prom that the king was planning. So she made people beds, cleaned their clothes and more. One day till the prom was here. Cinderella was so explicitly happy that she made herself a beautiful dress. The day went really fast. It was almost time for the prom to start. Cinderella put her beautiful dress on and jumped on the horse with her step mom. Her sisters we're not allowed to go. Patrice and Cinderella got there in time. The King and the prince were sitting outside to find someone they could dance with. The step mom went into the prom with the king and Cinderella walked in on the prince. Three hour went by and they both needed to go home. Patrice lost her clip on the way home. 

The king went looking and could not find her so then made another prom. Cinderella and Patrice went to the prom three days later and the king was putting the clip on everyone until Patrice walked in. She was wearing the same dress. The king spotted her and they danced all night. Midnight hit and the king and prince went down on one knee and the prince asked Cinderella to spend the rest of her life with him. The king asked Patrice if she would like to spend the rest of his life with him. Bella and Chloe were made to help clean because they would not be allowed in the kingdom if they didn't help clean. They all lived in peace. 

Monday, November 15, 2021


 Where are the Brothers Grimm from? 

They are from hanau germany

What story did they write?

The frog prince 

When did they make their story? 

They made there story in 1819 

Have their stories been adapted into more modern stories ex) Disney, Pixar films?

They made the best folk tales. They have made them in 100 different languages.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Fairy Tales

Fairy tales

Miss Birtch

Fables - A short story, typically with animals as characters, conveying a moral.

Legend - A traditional story about a person but often exaggerated.

 Eg - Ring, Nightmare On Elms Street.

Mythos/Myths - A traditional story explaining a supernatural being or events.

 Eg - Immortals, Hercules.

Fairy tales - something that normally has a good or evil character. 

Eg - Snow white & The Evil Queen.

Friday, November 5, 2021

cooking 2021

 In cooking today we made cake in a cup. My gorup worked well with making it we were fast. I loved making it with my group becuase I got to try it and I really liked it. I was soft and fluffy. The Recipe is. 

Self Saucing Chocolate Dessert in a Mug

3 T Flour

3 T Sugar

1½ T Cocoa Powder

½ t  Baking Powder

3 T Milk

2½ T Butter melted

¼ t Vanilla


1½ T Brown Sugar

1 t Cocoa Powder         

3 T Hot Water  


  1. In a small bowl add flour, sugar cocoa powder and baking powder. Stir together

  2. Add to this the milk, butter and vanilla. Mix until fully combined

  3. Pour half into each of 2 ramekins or microwave proof mugs. (leave room to rise!)

  4. Sprinkle topping evenly over surface 

  5. Carefully pour over the hot water. Make sure it is evenly spread

  6. Cook in the microwave for 1½ min. Remove carefully once cooked

  7. Serve with ice cream, custard or a dessert sauce

Woman Suffrage

 For the last few weeks I have been doing women's suffrage and I have made this to show my learning. I made a kahoot and I made half of a quizlet. I will put the link to the kahoot on the bottom of this post. 

1977 the woman could not vote because men thought that women were better in the house cleaning and cooking. 

In 1996 kate sheppard run as a boy because she thought everyone need rights  

In 1893 kate sheppard ran as a boy to get the chances to see and tell that woman can do what boy can do.

On the 19th of september 1893 women's suffrage started. That is when the government sided with a paper stating that women should not have the right to vote.  

Woman casted their first  vote in the 1893 

New Zealand history 

By Emma Brewerton

Kate Sheppard was born on the 10th of March 1847 here full name Katherine Wilson Sheppard.  She was born in liverpool. Her father died in 1862 so she moved to New Zealand in 1862.


Thank you for looking at my work I did about women's suffrage.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Rice Paper Parecels

 On Friday the 29th of October my class made Rice Paper Parcels. The tastie of it I didn't like but the vegetables were good. I had fun making them with my group. My group worked really well together. 

Thursday, October 28, 2021

P.E Gymnastics

For the last few weeks my class has been doing gymnastics and I have

learnt how to do heaps like, how to keep myself in a handstand and

handstand for ten seconds. I have enjoyed doing this because I did

gymnastics for 3 to 4 and a half years. On the 28th of october we did

rope climbing and i didnt get up to the top because I am not the

strongest engine. Here is what I could do.

  Gymnastics Peer Assessment

Rater’s Name: Mattisin Class: ALR Date: 28/10/2021

SKILLS (Tick the skills which you can now safely perform)


  • Lower arm walk

  • Swing

  • Back Dismount

  • Forward Dismount

  • Forward roll


  • Straight Jump

  • Jump Full turn

  • Tuck Jump

  • Dive Roll

  • Somersault to land on feet


  • Forward roll

  • Backward roll

  • Headstand

  • Handstand

  • Cartwheel

  • Bridge


  • Side Mount

  • Jump over Cone 

  • Forward roll

  • Straddle Dismount


  • Toe Shoot

  • B/wd Hip Circle

  • B/wd Hip Circle Mount


  •  Controlled bounce

  •  Straddle jump

  •  Full Turn

  •  Seat Drop

  •  Front drop


Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Labour weekend

Labour weekend!!

In the amazing three days I had off for labour weekend I had so much fun doing these things. I went out with my friend Kayla. We went for a walk to get things from the shop. 

Earlier that day I went to the gym with my sister. We went on the fitness bikes and we did a core workout. I liked sleeping really early because I was really tired. I thought I was really successful at doing the things at the gym because I have hurt some part of my body when doing physical things and I didn't hurt myself.

I learnt lots of things like using equipment at the gym, I didn't know how to properly use a fitness bike. Now I do.. I had lots of emotions like excitement, joy and lots more. I was happy to start the gym. 

Thank you for reading my story. I hope you enjoyed it. 


Tuesday, September 28, 2021


Today on Friday and I made vegetarian nachos . I enjoyed the food because spicy . When I was making it with my group we successfully cut everything. We were not success in doing the dishes becuase I brock a plat. My group did really well with helping each other. I liked it because it had a good and it was spicy. What I didn't like about it was it had no meat.


 Today on Friday I made raps . I enjoyed the food because it had a good sweety taste. When I was making it with my group we successfully cut everything. We were not success at listening. My group did really well with helping each other. I liked it because it had a good smell and taste.

I forgot what the recpie was sorry.

Friday, September 17, 2021


Today on tuesday in cooking my group and I made a open steak sandwichs. I enjoyed the food because it had some of the vegetables I like. When I was making it with my group we successfully keep on track and we finshed earlier than I usually finish. We were not success in doing the cutting we did a good job with helping as well . My group did really well with helping each other. I liked it because it had a good tastie and texture. What I didn't like about it was the sauce came out very fast so I added to much.

                                       Open Steak Sandwich                       Serves 4

  • Beef Schnitzel-  trimmed, about 1cm thickness (can be shredded & marinated before cooking)

  • Oil (for cooking meat)

  • 4 Bread rolls or 1 ciabatta loaf, cut into 4 pieces

  • Mayonnaise

  • Sauces - own choice eg Tomato, BBQ, Sweet Chilli

  • Lettuce, Spinach or Mesclun salad leaves

  • Tomatoes, sliced

  • Red Onion rings

  • Cheese slices

  • Avocado 


  • 1. Quickly pan fry the meat over a medium high heat until just cooked, turning once during cooking. Allow to rest for 5 minutes. Serve as a piece or shredded


  • 2. Cut rolls or ciabatta loaf pieces in half. These can be warmed or toasted if desired.

  •   Spread the tops and the bottoms of the bread with mayonnaise and /or sauces chosen


  • 3. Top half the bread with lettuce etc, tomato slices, steak and any other ingredients


  • 4. Cover with the remaining bread pieces 


  • 5. Serve




List each food in the recipe and the nutrients they provide. Include this in your Blog Post