For a term and a bit my class has been reading about Anne Frank. Anne Frank was a Jew. She got a dairy for her birthday and she wrote in it every day. Anne Frank went into hiding because Adolf Hitler didn't want Germans in the world. Problems Anne had to face is she lived with six people, she had to try to build a relationship with her mother and fight over who would use the desk at what time of the day. I really enjoy the book because I really liked that I could find out about how they got through World War 1. I learnt that it takes time to learn about not only your side of an argument about how other people feel.
I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 8 and in 2021 I will be a year 9. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Monday, November 30, 2020
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
CHCH 2011
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Monday, November 9, 2020
Egg Drop
Thursday, November 5, 2020
Life On Mars
Is gravity the same on all planets?
It depends on the size, mass and density of the object. The gravitational force it puts out varies. The planets in our solar system are different in size and mass so the strength of gravity on their surface is different. Mar is closer to the sun and you can jump 4x higher than you can on earth. There is a blue sun set if you stay on Mar long enough.Mars has the high mountain in the solar system.
Venus you can jump 1.7feet high. The mass and size of Venus are the same but Venus is a little bit smaller than earth.
Moon you can jump 9Feet high.
How is gravity related to mass?
Gravity is dependent on mass like stars, planets and galaxies to light and subatomic particles.
weight of the planet I'm on?
Earth: 49 Kg
Mercury: 18.5 Kg
Venus: 44.6 Kg
Mars: 18.6 Kg
Jupiter: 114.7 Kg
Saturn: 45.6 Kg
Uranus: 45.1 Kg
Neptune: 54.9 Kg
If I lived on a high gravity planet?
Things will come towards me instead of away from me. If you jump you won't jump hi you will jump lower. I won't be able to lift really heavy things.
If I lived on a lower gravity planet?
Things will move away from me instead of towards me. That I will be lighter so I will be able to jump higher. It will be harder to keep my balanwwce.
STAND UP A history of protests in NEW ZEALAND
Two instructing facts from the story?
Woman Rights
Women were not allowed to protest because the men thought they were the only one that were allowed to vote. The country to let women protest was New Zealand.
Depression Riots
People thought that the government was not giving enough to help them. The first protest about it was in 1930 in Dunedin in January. When it was happening it was down Queen Street and windows to shops were broken. A few months later it started in Auckland.
How do I feel about Depression Riots?
Depression Riots
Depression Riots was something that I want to learn more about. About the protest I feel like the government will be trying to do the best he/she can to help. The government has a lot more things to worry about the Depression Riots. I get where the people were coming from though.
What the main idea of the text is.
The main idea of the text is that people have their own opinions and they need to speak up to what is right. Like women protesting one woman wants to speak up to what is right and she did. Protesting didn't always need to be like a war, it could be a peaceful protest.
What does the term Women's suffrage mean?
Women's suffrage means:
The right to vote in elections for women.
What year were women allowed to vote independently in New Zealand?
Women started to vote on the 19 September 1893. New Zealand was the first country to let women have a right to share their opinions.
How many Prime Ministers in Aotearoa have been female?
There have been 3 Prime Ministers that have been girls.
The has been:
Jenny Shipley was the first woman prime minister.
Helen Clark was the second woman prime minister.
Justin Ardern was the third woman prime minister.
Do you think it's fair that women or certain ethnicities were not allowed to vote?
No, I don't think it was fair to women that they were not allowed to vote. Men thought women were not that smart and intelligent to run a country.
Why do you think that women wanted the right to vote?
So they have their own independence. They want to feel like they have a purpose in the world, not only cooking and things like that.
Why do you think that there are less women Prime Minister's than male?
The man thought that they could not run a country themselves because men think that women are not independent. Men think that women want to have a voice in what is right or wrong. People think it is not a woman roll to be a prime minister.
Thursday, October 15, 2020
About Gold Rush.
Gold Rush was discovered near the Tuapeka River.
The gold rush was man made.
Gold Rush was made in 1861
Dunedin became the biggest word wide country for finding gold.
They all share the same hope: To get rich
Thursday, September 24, 2020
B and E
B and E
Wednesday the 24th, Hornby High School did this thing called business and enterprise. It took three weeks to get it ready. We had a group and I was in a group with my friends. I don't think I will be working with my friends again. I filled out five worksheets and did a poster. My group was going to go do Face mask, slime and hand sanitizer but we changed our idea. It changed to asking the teacher if they wanted a water balloon thrown at them and there were seven wonderful teachers that did it for us there were, Miss Allan, Bec, Mr Scott, Mrs Bremner, Sofie, and Mark. I got water on me because the teacher got me back for wetting them. I had a wonderful time with all the teachers. All day we had a wonderful D.J and his name is Jackson. I think he had so much fun and he did a wonderful job with the music. I would like to change that we could spread out a little more because I feel like we were a bit too close to people. We made $103.00 for throwing water balloons at teachers. We used 17.50 dollar from the school so we made $86.00 taking away how much we used for the school.
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
healthy lifestyle
Your Task: Create a meal plan for 1 day that includes all the necessary amounts for each of the 4 Food Groups
Vegetables + Fruit - at least 3 servings of vege and 2 servings of fruit every day
Grain foods - 6 servings each day (check portion sizes)
Milk/Milk products - 2 servings
Legumes/Nuts/Seeds/Fish/Seafood/Eggs/Poultry/Meat etc. - 2 servings
When you have created your meal plan, please highlight each food based on the colours provided above. This will help us clearly see where each of the food groups has fit in. Remember, you want each meal to be a balanced plate.
Bonus research: how many glasses of water should we have each day? Fit this into your meal plan.
Breakfast | Bananas on toast with Milk on the side. With 500ml of water. |
Lunch | Ham sandwich with cucumber . With 500ml of water. |
Snack | 400g of nuts celery and dip |
Dinner | Chicken bugers, peas, corn and salad lettuce cucumber carrot celery |
Water | How many servings per day? 2L How do you think you could fit these in besides just at meal times?
What we did
Morse code
-- .- - - .. ... .. -.
.- -- .- -. -.. .-
Kia ora Karsten
-.-...- ---.-..
- -.-.-.-....--.-.
.. - ..
-.- -.-- .-.. --- .-. .. … … -- .- .-.. .-..
Bronte: Taylor you like rat
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
For the last 4 weeks we have been making story and picture. The pictures are of my setting and my villain. I am most proud of my villain art because I like the detailed I did on it. I made mistakes but I fixed them with the help of a teacher aid.
Sam wakes up to his mom saying, ¨Sam wake up, it is breakfast time¨.Sam opens the door, runs down the hallway, down the stairs around the fire and down one more set of stairs. “WHAT, FIRE!!” ¨There is a water bucket up the stairs¨ Yelled Sam’s mom. Sam gets the water bucket and runs down the stairs and puts out the fire. Sam said
¨Where is breakfast Mom?¨ Sam's Mom replied ¨It is on the breakfast bar¨. ¨OK¨ Sam yelled¨.
Sam wants to walk Jake (the dog) in the forest. Sam put Jake’s lead on and walked out the door.
“Bye Mom” Sam yelled. They walk into the brown and green forest with dark brown dirt and leaves on the ground.
“OH there is a house let’s go check it out Jake”. It had dark oak wood with the exception of two planks of light wood on the whole house.
“We should go check it out,” said Sam. “WOOF WOOF” barked Jake. They went to go check it out… It smells like mustard and fish, opening the door you see a green, yellow and brown wall with a picture of Jake and Sam. When Sam opens the door, all you hear is cracking in the hinges. Sam looked around the room and found pencil, paper, and a picture of Jake and Sam on the desk and walls.
“They are pictures of JAKE and I,” Sam said loudly in a lot of shock. Sam looked down at Jake and saw that Jake was not there.
“ JAKE JAKE JAKE WHERE ARE YOU” Sam YELLED. “OMG I lost JAKE, I am a bad person”. “you are,” someone whispered. “W.W.WHAT W.W.WAS THAT” Yelled Sam.
“Me, Girl” said Girl. “Ok I am hearing things ok I'm going to stop thinking JAKE JAKE JAKE” said Sam.
Girl came out and Sam ran as fast as he could. Out the door round and round the trees and up a tree he saw because Girl was running after him. Sam had been gone for 4 hour. Sam's Mother went out to go find him.
“SAM SAM SAM WHERE ARE YOU” Yelled Sam’s Mother. Sam stayed quiet because Girl was under the tree he was on. Girl looked left, right, down and up and still didn’t see him but Girl found his MOTHER.
“Hey who are you looking for?” says Girl. “S.S.Sam and J.J.Jake do you know where they are”. “Noo sorry” Girl grumbles. Girl jumps and grabs Sam's Mother by her arm and takes her into the haunted house.
“Where am I going where am I going where am I going!” yelled Sam’s Mother. Sam ran after them and lost them. Sam looked up, down, left, and right and didn’t find them. Sam went to the house in the forest and their Girl and Sam mother were on the floor dead.
”Mom Mom Mom” Sam mumbled as he was crying. Sam got the police. The police looked around and then found out Girl didn’t kill his mom. It was Jimmy
“Who is Jimmy?” Sam said. “Jimmy is Girls boyfriend”.”WWWWHAT” said Sam. Sam heard blood curdling screams from the roof. The police sentenced Jimmy 20 years in prison. Sam lived his life happily after that. He found Jake and he got a job. He works at KFC and it has been 9 years since his Mom was killed.
Monday, August 24, 2020
For the last 5 weeks my class has been reading about Anne
Frank's life when hitler (Hitler) wanted to kill the Jews because
he wanted people to have blue eyes. I like that I found a tour of
when Anna
Frank was hiding.
Here is a link for were Anna Frank hid.
Why did Hitler want people with blue eyes and not
want to Jew in the county?
Hitler wanted people with blue eyes because he did not hate
then he just didn’t think they were good enough for him. He
did not like them because when they grew up they didn’t look
good for him.
Why did Anna Write the diary?
She wanted to see what she lived through when she was you
nger but she died.
Friday, August 14, 2020
Kenny Rogers speech
What we did.
For four hours my class has been researching a topic and I picked Kenny Rogers. I had fun researching and making the speech about Kenny Rogers.
Where my speech.
Did you know That Kenny Rogers full name is Kenny Ray Rogers? There are lots of things that people do not know about Kenny Rogers, Today I am going to talk about his life and teach you all something new about him.
Kenny Rogers was born on the 21st of August 1938 in the state of Texas in the United States of America. Kenny´s parents were called Edward Floyd Rogers and Lucille Rogers, they had 6 other children giving Kenny lots of siblings. Kenny Rogers was a pro tennis player as a teenager.
Throughout Kenny Rogers Life he was married at 5 different times. He had 1 daughter and 4 sons, two of which were twins. Kenny Rogers was a jazz bassist and a hippie rocker. He was widely known for his singing all around the world. Kenny Rogers has made 39 studio albums and had 80 singles during his music career. Kenny Rogers most popular songs are. Coward Of The County, Lucille and The Gambler which is my personal favourite.
Kenny Roger died on March 20th 2020. Kenny Rogers passed away peacefully at home from natural causes under the care of hospice and surrounded by his family. Kenny Rogers was the 6th richest country star in the world and had $250 million dollars when he died in 2020. 51% of the men like his songs and 39% of baby boomers like his songs. I hope you learnt something about Kenny Rogers.
Here is my video.
Monday, August 10, 2020
not react and react
Today we have been learning about how not to react and react when people say things to you that you don't like.
Here is an example people say to me I am four eyes and I would say something not that nice but I think I should say. Please tell someone that cares or Thanks I know I can see.
If people say something you do not like, say something that they want to expect like thank you, I know right, or I love how you are saying something good about me then walk away so the fight does not carry on.
If someone wants to physically hurt you. Tell a teacher or someone you trust, don't retaliate, make sure you leave so they don't hit you or something. If it is happening to your friends tell someone and pull them back.
Friday, August 7, 2020
making burgers in food technology
Making burgers in food technology
In food technology my class made burgers.
What we made the patty with.
Bread crumbs
Salt and pepper
We put ¼ of a cup in the bowls then 4 ts of egg in the bowl. Then mix, put the sauce and salt and pepper in the bowl then mix. Put the meat in the bowl then mix some more. Flatten out the meat that you made and put in the fridge overnight.
Making the burgers.
I put some sauce on the bun then put the patty on the bun, I put lettuce, cheese, and tomato. Put sauce on the top bun then put the top bun on the burger. Then we cleaned up and ate it or toke it home.
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Spearking my truth
Thursday, July 2, 2020
1886 eruption Mt tarawera
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
What Is In Food
Milo: There is 46 grams of sugar in 100 grams.
Popcorn: There is 0.9 grams of sugar in 100
Yogurt: There is 3.2 grams of sugar in 100 grams.
Bake Beans:74 grams of sugar in 100 grams.
Today we have been learning about healthy lifestyles. The ingredients on the can or on the packaging to the biggest portion to smallest portion.
I might switch
1. Dried fruit to fresh fruit
2. coconut cream to light coconut cream
3. Fizzy drinks to water.
What dose salt do to your meat.
Monday, June 15, 2020
How to make Biltoing
- Were there any anomalies (unexpected results)?
- What could have caused them?
- How could you change the experiment to fix these problems?
- Did any interesting questions arise from doing the experiment?
- What sort of experiments could you follow-up with?
My hypothesis was right it did dry out in three day
- It smelt like nothing
- It looked like sea weed
- it sounded crunchy when I broke it in half
- It tasted disgusting like spam.